There is a misunderstanding that opposes the individual and the collective. It is undoubtedly nourished by the contradictions of our time, when geographical borders are increasingly up for debate as they vanish through digital technology. A subjective reality where authenticity dresses itself up with a wide range of filters. Yet the collective remains a sum of individualities. It is the diversity of the latter that tends to make them thought of as entities with incompatible values. But if a community is made up of different personalities, what brings them together?
Common Language. A shared language. One used by bodies to tell a story, one that is always singular and unique. The language of art, which connects the most distant cultures, thrills the emotions and starts dialogue that goes beyond stereotypes. It is out of a desire to share this universal language that this magazine was born. An atypical editorial project, it is being initiated by Chantelle Group, a set of brands whose stories are also different. Complementary visions united in a shared philosophy that holds quality, creativity and simplicity as its highest standards.
Despite their differences, a common thread connects the guests of this tenth issue of Common Language. All of them discuss a relationship to geography. Of course, it is not literal, and while some question borders, whether artistic or political, here they are rather speaking of a spiritual geography. Take, for example, the filmmaker and author Axelle Jah Nike, who draws inspiration from the writer Bell Hooks, who in 1984 published Feminist Theory, from Margin to Center. The American writer is also one of the references for the architect Meriem Chabani, co-creator of the New South agency, which, as its name suggests, strives to rethink our conception of the "Souths."
This issue also addresses inner alignment, as explained by lawyer Violaine de Filippis Abate, who finds in her feminist struggle a way to fight against the violence surrounding us. Others seek to break free from constraints, like the rapper Davinhor, who refuses to be confined by norms. Musician Adèle Castillon also challenges conventions, revealing herself through her lyrics with a poignant sincerity. Art as a compass is also the credo of French artist Nicola L., who traveled throughout her life. The body was central to her approach. It is impossible not to draw a parallel with Lee Lozano, born two years earlier on the American continent. Although their work is aesthetically very different, both questioned the body. But where the former advocated for a collective becoming, the latter chose an uncompromising quest centered on the self. Both decided to rename themselves. Both leave a considerable mark.
Other connections, whether visual or textual, await you in the pages of this issue of Common Language, which celebrates its fifth anniversary with a desire to share even more.
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A-t-on toujours besoin des mythes ? Nos sociétés modernes n’aiment rien tant que les contradictions, et c’est justement pour cela que les mythes nous sont toujours utiles. En nous aidant à comprendre ce qui nous entoure, ils agissent comme des repères. Mais il semble judicieux, pour ne pas dire essentiel, d’y introduire de nouveaux protagonistes, des figures à même de convoquer la complexité de notre époque.
Par le plus grand des hasards, et alors que cela n’est pas toujours leur domaine de prédilection, les invitées de ce neuvième numéro de Common Language ont toutes un rapport très fort à l’écriture. Comme si les mots retrouvaient leur force malgré la domination des images. Le reste des pages de Common Language fourmille de couleurs, de formes et de sensations qui viendront animer ces futures fresques, comme autant de témoignages de nos quotidiens.
Car les histoires d’aujourd’hui feront les mythes de demain.
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This idea of harmony
Mens sana in corpore sano. A healthy mind in a healthy body. Extremely well known, the phrase lost its meaning over time, separating the flesh from the soul. However, the two are intrinsically linked. Hippocrates affirmed that “man must harmonise mind and body.” And it is this idea of harmony
that is central to this new issue of Common Language.
From inner worlds to physical worlds, the byways are sometimes serpentine but always thrilling. The guests within these pages represent all kinds of examples that attest to this diversity.
Thus, the États de Corps collective is an art space for exploration, talks and encounters concerning corporealities, showcasing
a wealth of gazes and stories. At the other end of the spectrum, painter Jenny Brosinski explores her own inner landscape
to convoke the universal. A leap into the past allows us to discover the little-known work of Werner Kunz, Swiss director born in 1926 who produced dozens of short and feature films exploring naturism, a lifestyle based on communion with nature. Another, even older example: American Loïe Fuller spent
her life experimenting by combining her corporeal and scientific research with her observation of plant and animal worlds,
but also her moods. She thus perfected an original choreographic language still admired today, a source of inspiration for many artists. Other stories variously unfold within this eighth issue
of Common Language. Each in their own way, they show
the extent to which the search for harmony is a quest that can scarcely tolerate conditioning. Beware of short-cuts and dare
to take the roads less travelled!
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Le rêve, celui qui s’épanouit dans le sommeil, dégage souvent par son caractère éphémère un certain parfum d’amertume. À peine l’esprit se réveille qu’il devient nostalgique d’un moment qu’il ne retrouvera – sans doute – jamais. Le rêve éveillé est quant à lui porteur d’une énergie galvanisante. Il ouvre les possibles, s’impose comme une force créative et s’affirme en rempart contre la morosité. Face aux inquiétudes de l’époque, il nous a semblé important de le célébrer à travers ce numéro.
Qu’il soit abordé sous un angle scientifique, à travers le travail de l’artiste et philosophe Marion Roche, ou psychanalytique, grâce aux clés de lecture fournies par l’onirologue Tristan-Frédéric Moir, le rêve se déploie dans toutes les disciplines. L’histoire de l’art n’est pas en reste. Le mouvement surréaliste pour qui l’exploration du monde onirique permettait de reconnecter l’Homme avec son intériorité s’est développé au début du XXe siècle.De nombreuses femmes ont contribué à son essor, le plus souvent dans l’ombre des figures masculines. L’histoire les redécouvre aujourd’hui et souligne l’importance de leurs pratiques.Trois d’entre elles – Dorothea Tanning, Leonora Carrington et Claude Cahun – sont ici mises à l’honneur.
Le rêve, c’est aussi le partage de certains destins hors normes. Ce sixième numéro de Common Language va à la rencontre d’Aya Cissoko, boxeuse auréolée de nombreux prix qui n’a cessé de se réinventer pour devenir aujourd’hui la porte-parole d’une jeunesse laissée en marge. C’est la poésie si singulière, entre simplicité et fulgurance, d’Eileen Myles, ou les paysages sonores d’Yndi, véritable invitation au voyage. C’est la redécouverte de paysages quotidiens où se superposent les souvenirs, révélés par un troublant jeu de mise en abyme chez la peintre Eva Nielsen.
Le rêve est enfin politique. Qu’il soit personnel ou collectif, c’est une source d’émancipation qui déplace l’ordre établi. En ces temps anxiogènes, il nous faut réapprendre à rêver. Mais plutôt que de fermer les yeux, nous vous invitons à les garder grand ouvert.
15 €
Le rêve, celui qui s’épanouit dans le sommeil, dégage souvent par son caractère éphémère un certain parfum d’amertume. À peine l’esprit se réveille qu’il devient nostalgique d’un moment qu’il ne retrouvera – sans doute – jamais. Le rêve éveillé est quant à lui porteur d’une énergie galvanisante. Il ouvre les possibles, s’impose comme une force créative et s’affirme en rempart contre la morosité. Face aux inquiétudes de l’époque, il nous a semblé important de le célébrer à travers ce numéro.
Qu’il soit abordé sous un angle scientifique, à travers le travail de l’artiste et philosophe Marion Roche, ou psychanalytique, grâce aux clés de lecture fournies par l’onirologue Tristan-Frédéric Moir, le rêve se déploie dans toutes les disciplines. L’histoire de l’art n’est pas en reste. Le mouvement surréaliste pour qui l’exploration du monde onirique permettait de reconnecter l’Homme avec son intériorité s’est développé au début du XXe siècle.De nombreuses femmes ont contribué à son essor, le plus souvent dans l’ombre des figures masculines. L’histoire les redécouvre aujourd’hui et souligne l’importance de leurs pratiques.Trois d’entre elles – Dorothea Tanning, Leonora Carrington et Claude Cahun – sont ici mises à l’honneur.
Le rêve, c’est aussi le partage de certains destins hors normes. Ce sixième numéro de Common Language va à la rencontre d’Aya Cissoko, boxeuse auréolée de nombreux prix qui n’a cessé de se réinventer pour devenir aujourd’hui la porte-parole d’une jeunesse laissée en marge. C’est la poésie si singulière, entre simplicité et fulgurance, d’Eileen Myles, ou les paysages sonores d’Yndi, véritable invitation au voyage. C’est la redécouverte de paysages quotidiens où se superposent les souvenirs, révélés par un troublant jeu de mise en abyme chez la peintre Eva Nielsen.
Le rêve est enfin politique. Qu’il soit personnel ou collectif, c’est une source d’émancipation qui déplace l’ordre établi. En ces temps anxiogènes, il nous faut réapprendre à rêver. Mais plutôt que de fermer les yeux, nous vous invitons à les garder grand ouvert.
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Le rêve, celui qui s’épanouit dans le sommeil, dégage souvent par son caractère éphémère un certain parfum d’amertume. À peine l’esprit se réveille qu’il devient nostalgique d’un moment qu’il ne retrouvera – sans doute – jamais. Le rêve éveillé est quant à lui porteur d’une énergie galvanisante. Il ouvre les possibles, s’impose comme une force créative et s’affirme en rempart contre la morosité. Face aux inquiétudes de l’époque, il nous a semblé important de le célébrer à travers ce numéro.
Qu’il soit abordé sous un angle scientifique, à travers le travail de l’artiste et philosophe Marion Roche, ou psychanalytique, grâce aux clés de lecture fournies par l’onirologue Tristan-Frédéric Moir, le rêve se déploie dans toutes les disciplines. L’histoire de l’art n’est pas en reste. Le mouvement surréaliste pour qui l’exploration du monde onirique permettait de reconnecter l’Homme avec son intériorité s’est développé au début du XXe siècle.De nombreuses femmes ont contribué à son essor, le plus souvent dans l’ombre des figures masculines. L’histoire les redécouvre aujourd’hui et souligne l’importance de leurs pratiques.Trois d’entre elles – Dorothea Tanning, Leonora Carrington et Claude Cahun – sont ici mises à l’honneur.
Le rêve, c’est aussi le partage de certains destins hors normes. Ce sixième numéro de Common Language va à la rencontre d’Aya Cissoko, boxeuse auréolée de nombreux prix qui n’a cessé de se réinventer pour devenir aujourd’hui la porte-parole d’une jeunesse laissée en marge. C’est la poésie si singulière, entre simplicité et fulgurance, d’Eileen Myles, ou les paysages sonores d’Yndi, véritable invitation au voyage. C’est la redécouverte de paysages quotidiens où se superposent les souvenirs, révélés par un troublant jeu de mise en abyme chez la peintre Eva Nielsen.
Le rêve est enfin politique. Qu’il soit personnel ou collectif, c’est une source d’émancipation qui déplace l’ordre établi. En ces temps anxiogènes, il nous faut réapprendre à rêver. Mais plutôt que de fermer les yeux, nous vous invitons à les garder grand ouvert.
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Whether they are popular or dissenting, beginners or seasoned veterans, full of anger or serene, the guests of this fourth issue have a common denominator: unhindered passion. There are those who make words dance, like poet I.S. Jones or musician Wavy The Creator. There are those who invent new universes, like artist Zohra Opoku whose work endlessly weaves links between intimate accounts and major history. Commitment and diversity are featured in this issue which also lets us discover West Africa, from Senegal to Ghana to Nigeria, as much for the beauty of their landscapes as for the richness of their cultures. As the world continues to confront the pandemic, and essential movements such as Black Lives Matter give voice to injustice, it seems crucial to us to welcome and share these contemporary, multiple, and complementary points of view. Reaching out to meet others, opening up to other perspectives, plunging into accounts so different from one's own story, all lead to a better understanding.
Launched by the Groupe Chantelle, our publication does not seek to be exhaustive. There would never be enough room or time to present all the talents, stories, and lives that we would like to show the world. This is not an attempt at offering a perfect object, simply an effort at opening a dialogue. Launching the first words. And then continuing them, through a conversation.
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Whether they are popular or dissenting, beginners or seasoned veterans, full of anger or serene, the guests of this fourth issue have a common denominator: unhindered passion. There are those who make words dance, like poet I.S. Jones or musician Wavy The Creator. There are those who invent new universes, like artist Zohra Opoku whose work endlessly weaves links between intimate accounts and major history. Commitment and diversity are featured in this issue which also lets us discover West Africa, from Senegal to Ghana to Nigeria, as much for the beauty of their landscapes as for the richness of their cultures. As the world continues to confront the pandemic, and essential movements such as Black Lives Matter give voice to injustice, it seems crucial to us to welcome and share these contemporary, multiple, and complementary points of view. Reaching out to meet others, opening up to other perspectives, plunging into accounts so different from one's own story, all lead to a better understanding.
Launched by the Groupe Chantelle, our publication does not seek to be exhaustive. There would never be enough room or time to present all the talents, stories, and lives that we would like to show the world. This is not an attempt at offering a perfect object, simply an effort at opening a dialogue. Launching the first words. And then continuing them, through a conversation.
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Whether they are popular or dissenting, beginners or seasoned veterans, full of anger or serene, the guests of this fourth issue have a common denominator: unhindered passion. There are those who make words dance, like poet I.S. Jones or musician Wavy The Creator. There are those who invent new universes, like artist Zohra Opoku whose work endlessly weaves links between intimate accounts and major history. Commitment and diversity are featured in this issue which also lets us discover West Africa, from Senegal to Ghana to Nigeria, as much for the beauty of their landscapes as for the richness of their cultures. As the world continues to confront the pandemic, and essential movements such as Black Lives Matter give voice to injustice, it seems crucial to us to welcome and share these contemporary, multiple, and complementary points of view. Reaching out to meet others, opening up to other perspectives, plunging into accounts so different from one's own story, all lead to a better understanding.
Launched by the Groupe Chantelle, our publication does not seek to be exhaustive. There would never be enough room or time to present all the talents, stories, and lives that we would like to show the world. This is not an attempt at offering a perfect object, simply an effort at opening a dialogue. Launching the first words. And then continuing them, through a conversation.
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Whether they are popular or dissenting, beginners or seasoned veterans, full of anger or serene, the guests of this fourth issue have a common denominator: unhindered passion. There are those who make words dance, like poet I.S. Jones or musician Wavy The Creator. There are those who invent new universes, like artist Zohra Opoku whose work endlessly weaves links between intimate accounts and major history. Commitment and diversity are featured in this issue which also lets us discover West Africa, from Senegal to Ghana to Nigeria, as much for the beauty of their landscapes as for the richness of their cultures. As the world continues to confront the pandemic, and essential movements such as Black Lives Matter give voice to injustice, it seems crucial to us to welcome and share these contemporary, multiple, and complementary points of view. Reaching out to meet others, opening up to other perspectives, plunging into accounts so different from one's own story, all lead to a better understanding.
Launched by the Groupe Chantelle, our publication does not seek to be exhaustive. There would never be enough room or time to present all the talents, stories, and lives that we would like to show the world. This is not an attempt at offering a perfect object, simply an effort at opening a dialogue. Launching the first words. And then continuing them, through a conversation.
15 €
Whether they are popular or dissenting, beginners or seasoned veterans, full of anger or serene, the guests of this fourth issue have a common denominator: unhindered passion. There are those who make words dance, like poet I.S. Jones or musician Wavy The Creator. There are those who invent new universes, like artist Zohra Opoku whose work endlessly weaves links between intimate accounts and major history. Commitment and diversity are featured in this issue which also lets us discover West Africa, from Senegal to Ghana to Nigeria, as much for the beauty of their landscapes as for the richness of their cultures. As the world continues to confront the pandemic, and essential movements such as Black Lives Matter give voice to injustice, it seems crucial to us to welcome and share these contemporary, multiple, and complementary points of view. Reaching out to meet others, opening up to other perspectives, plunging into accounts so different from one's own story, all lead to a better understanding.
Launched by the Groupe Chantelle, our publication does not seek to be exhaustive. There would never be enough room or time to present all the talents, stories, and lives that we would like to show the world. This is not an attempt at offering a perfect object, simply an effort at opening a dialogue. Launching the first words. And then continuing them, through a conversation.
15 €
Whether they are popular or dissenting, beginners or seasoned veterans, full of anger or serene, the guests of this fourth issue have a common denominator: unhindered passion. There are those who make words dance, like poet I.S. Jones or musician Wavy The Creator. There are those who invent new universes, like artist Zohra Opoku whose work endlessly weaves links between intimate accounts and major history. Commitment and diversity are featured in this issue which also lets us discover West Africa, from Senegal to Ghana to Nigeria, as much for the beauty of their landscapes as for the richness of their cultures. As the world continues to confront the pandemic, and essential movements such as Black Lives Matter give voice to injustice, it seems crucial to us to welcome and share these contemporary, multiple, and complementary points of view. Reaching out to meet others, opening up to other perspectives, plunging into accounts so different from one's own story, all lead to a better understanding.
Launched by the Groupe Chantelle, our publication does not seek to be exhaustive. There would never be enough room or time to present all the talents, stories, and lives that we would like to show the world. This is not an attempt at offering a perfect object, simply an effort at opening a dialogue. Launching the first words. And then continuing them, through a conversation.
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A vast archipelago full of contrasts, with unique and enviable cultural diversity, Japan remains a land of mysteries whose many secrets are endlessly fascinating. In this third issue of Common Language, the balance between tradition and modernity so specific to Japanese culture is represented through the various talents of women with different stories and backgrounds, coming from different generations. Between pop imagery and Zen philosophy, past and future, popular myths and well-kept secrets, Japanese culture acknowledges and accepts its contradictions and plurality. Initiated by Chantelle Group, Common Language seeks to open up new perspectives and embrace different points of view, broader than the ones that too often circumscribe the norm. Our goal is to see beyond appearances.
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Demythologising. This second issue of Common Language lays out major, founding narratives and attempts to understand how these have spread over time and beyond borders. And what better example than the United States of America, a mash-up of territories with various cultures. It is not a question here of retracing its history but of seeing how this melting pot has enabled different voices to emerge that are heard and respected. The idea is to showcase those who have deftly brought people together, within their communities and beyond. Through its various articles and reportages, whether portraits or artistic portfolios, Common Language opens its pages to women who prove that what is best for the future is not utopian, but a vision to defend. Defining our utopia. Advocating multifarious, inclusive, and fluid femininity; a gaze that is equally as attentive to the self as it is open to others. Here, it is an inspiring commitment, reflecting all of these women who are sharing their story.
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Through this first issue of Common Language we wanted to highlight a desire to represent women in all their diversity: artistic, sensitive, supportive, philosophical, curious... It is difficult, if not impossible, to be exhaustive. Which is why this first chapter exists: to be enriched by the next ones. While there are many heroines in this story, the action is focused on a single location: Sicily. An island of foundational myths that remains a land of crossroads with that very special light, the perfect decor for starting these encounters..
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